A few years ago, a young man was riding his Honda Shadow towards home when a pickup truck turned left and T-boned the motorcycle rider. The rider suffered terrible injuries, including the loss of his leg below the knee.

Unlike most injury cases, this time the insurance company refused to settle. Maybe it was the defendant insisting he did nothing wrong. Maybe it was the insurance company, assuming they could bully our client into giving up. Whatever the reason, the insurance would not pay. So we had to fight in court.

The end result? A jury verdict awarding our client over $19 million in damages. This is not a settlement. This is the result of fighting for our client every step of the way and getting the results they deserve. Not only did our client get a verdict in an amount that was fair, we proved to the jury that our client was not at fault and they unanimously determined he was 0% liable for the motorcycle crash.

Why Most Personal Injury Lawyers Don’t Mention Jury Verdicts

Jury verdicts in personal injury cases are increasingly rare. According to recent studies, less than 5% of personal injury cases even make it to trial. The vast majority settle out of court. Why? There are several reasons:

  • Time and Cost: Trials can be lengthy and expensive for all parties involved. It takes a powerful firm to be able to cover those costs and expenses.
  • Unpredictability: Jury decisions can be hard to predict, making settlements seem like a safer option. If the law firm never goes to trial, they aren’t going to know how to win.
  • Emotional Toll: Trials can be stressful and emotionally draining for clients.
  • Some lawyers just don’t do it: many of the “big” injury firms on TV don’t even know how to litigate cases. They simply negotiate settlements all day. But what if insurance won’t settle?

That’s why most law firms don’t talk about Jury Verdicts. They just aren’t getting any.  This makes our recent verdict all the more significant for all of our clients. We are not going to give up on you. Period.

Why Some Law Firms Avoid Litigation

Many personal injury law firms operate as what’s known as “settlement mills.” These firms handle a high volume of cases but rarely, if ever, go to trial. They hardly ever get caught since all they have to do is tell their clients that “this is the best possible offer” and it lets them churn through cases rapidly, making them tons of money.

This approach might work for some cases, but it often results in clients receiving less compensation than they deserve.

Why 0% Liability is HUGE

In this case, the jury found our client 0% at fault. If you ride motorcycles you know how hard that is to do because everybody–police, public, witnesses–likes to blame the rider for any accident. In this case it meant using accident reconstruction, recreations, witness statements, and relentless logic to convince even the most reluctant of juror that even though our client rode a motorcycle, it doesn’t make him at fault.

Every trial will include defense attorneys trying to convince the jury that the motorcycle rider is always at least a little bit at fault. This is a tried and true tactic by insurance companies. After all, if the jury can be convinced to put 20% of the blame on the rider, the final verdict is reduced by 20%! It’s the single easiest way for insurance to save money!

A finding of 0% liability for the plaintiff is rare and significant. It means the jury was convinced that our client bore absolutely no fault for the accident, and we were able to get them to set aside their prejudices in favor of true justice.

The Value of a Law Firm Willing to Go to Trial

At Full Throttle Law, we prepare every case as if it’s going to trial. Here’s why.

  • Better Settlement Offers: When the other side knows we’re prepared for trial, they’re often more likely to make fair settlement offers.
  • Thorough Case Preparation: Trial preparation uncovers every detail of the case, strengthening our position whether we settle or go to court.
  • Experienced Trial Lawyers: Our willingness to go to trial means we maintain sharp courtroom skills, benefiting our clients if a trial becomes necessary.

What This Means for Our Clients

For potential clients, this verdict underscores the importance of choosing a law firm with proven trial experience. When you’re facing serious injuries and significant damages, you need a team that’s not afraid to go the distance.

Jury verdicts like our recent $19 million win are rare in personal injury law, but they’re incredibly significant. They represent a thorough examination of the facts by an impartial jury, resulting in a fair assessment of damages. At Full Throttle Law, we’re proud of our willingness and ability to take cases to trial when necessary to ensure our clients receive full and fair compensation.

If you’ve been injured due to someone else’s negligence, don’t settle for less than you deserve. Contact Full Throttle Law today. We’re ready to fight for you, in settlement negotiations or in the courtroom, to ensure you receive the compensation you’re entitled to.