10% OFF HOME INSPECTION from Ascending Home Inspections

Inspector: Frank
Former Master Sargent Frank Gonzalez is a retired United States Air Force Aircraft Mechanic and Flight Safety accident Investigator. For over 20 years he maintained intricate aircraft and managed others in the proper maintenance of those aircraft. Frank now utilizes his Military training to do home inspections executed with the same precision and care he used to keep aircraft flying and our airmen and women safe.

Operations Manager: Sally
Sally is a former Pharmacy Technician with a long history in health care. Her organizational skills and knack for accuracy keep Ascending Home Inspections soaring. If you never meet Frank you will definitely talk to Sally! She keeps the books and schedules every appointment.

Ascending Home Inspections LLC. is a family run and owned operation dedicated to serving our Las Vegas Valley community. We understand the hardships of moving to a new place and preparing for a large investment, especially as a Military family. That is why we strive to always be ready for you when you need us, efficient in our inspec-tions and reporting, and the most effective at getting the job done right. Whether you want to settle down with your entire family or are looking to start your first big investment we are here to help!

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